So, you have a few job offers on the table, and you don’t know which one to take. While this is a good problem to have, it can be stressful when you are considering your next career move and trying to pick the most successful path for yourself. Elite Staffing is definitely here to help you make the process more comfortable, and while we can’t tell you which way to go, we can definitely put you on the right path.
Here are some tips we have for making the decision about which job to take.
While it might seem old fashioned, it helps. Get out the old pad of paper or your laptop and start the list. Think about paid time off, benefits offered, flexibility, ability to get a promotion, drive time to work, relocation package, and the other staff members to name a few. Basically, anything that you can think of, list it for both jobs and then see where you end up. If nothing else, it may create a way for you to have more ease with the decision, as you look back on the list.
Talk with your family and friends you trust, and ask them what they think. Offer them insight about the positions and their thoughts on which one sounds like the best fit for you. You may not necessarily agree, but it always helps to get a perspective from a trusted mentor or colleague. Chances are, at least one of them has had to decide on a career move and may have a lot of great insight about the decision-making process.
Find out about each company from an insider if possible. Which culture fits better with your style? Are you a rule follower at all costs and appreciate it when there are very strict policies for all staff members, or are you better with a lot of flexibility at the workplace. Culture matters, because if you feel like you are not comfortable with the atmosphere around you, it probably won’t work for you. Also, does it seem like there is a lot of turnover for your position? If so, consider it. There might be an important reason why, and you don’t want to be the next casualty.
Do not be afraid to go back with follow up questions that will help lead you to your decision. For example, perhaps you come up with a scenario, “I have a 10 year old, and sometimes there are school activities I’d like to participate in during the day. Is that possible? I would take unpaid leave and make sure that I notify you in advance.” If they seem uncomfortable with the question, chances are you are missing the day performance of Johnny’s music program, and you’ll have to decide how you feel about that.
You know the old saying, “Go with your gut”…sometimes it’s the truth. If you really want to pursue one of the positions, even if the pay is lower, it might mean it’s the place for you. And, there may be opportunity to increase the pay or negotiate on time off in the future. If it feels right. Conversely, if it feels like the wrong fit, it probably is.
Elite Staffing is here to take you through your decision-making process. We will walk through your career goals with you, see how your qualifications and experience fit with each position, as well as review the offers you have in front of you and help you understand what is included, or excluded. This can be especially helpful with your benefit package. You want to make sure you are getting everything you want from this new position. As your partner, our Elite staff wants to ensure we are helping you move forward on your career path in the most positive way!
Thank you for reading our blog! To visit about current opportunities through Elite Staffing call a recruiter today at 712.224.4208