When you meet with a recruiter, you may wonder what exactly he/she is looking for to sell you to their clients. Here are some important things to showcase:
Don’t be sheepish and under-value yourself off the bat. Obviously, you want to be courteous and polite, but you want to show you are a strong person who believes in yourself! Even if you haven’t had the greatest job history or you are coming off a lost job, show that you have a lot to bring to the table, because you do!
You can lead a group, but you also believe in working with others as an important part of the process to success. Have a few examples ready to share.
Show that you are always willing to learn new things. There may be aspects of a job that you are not trained in yet, but you can learn it and are willing to. If you don’t know how to do something, then be honest, but that’s not the end of the conversation. For example, let’s say you do not know Excel very well, offer to take a class or a training session on it to master the technology for your future career.
Be warm. Be friendly. Selling you to an employer is much easier if the recruiter knows you are not going to be cold and unapproachable.
Having the ability to be “on top of it” in all ways makes you easy to market to employers. If you can do handle many things at once without getting rattled, it shows that you are able to manage hectic work times with ease.
Overall, if you are shy or feeling like you are not qualified for the job you really want…find ways to get past it, and gain some confidence! Read helpful books, research how you can further your skills and take action on enhancing those skills, and up your game with your social skills.