Once a paper only society, now, a tech savvy generation with multitudes of information at our fingertips. So how does the recruiting industry take to this? We use it to our advantage, of course! First step, adapting. Just like any superhero, recruiters have to learn how to use their powers to benefit them. Well, in superhero terms, modern recruiters have really slayed. Thanks LinkedIn for taking networking to the next level! (By the way, if you want to use LinkedIn to its full advantage, check out our last blog.)
But, what really makes a modern recruiter thrive? What are those out of this world qualities that take a recruiter to the next level? You might be surprised at how simple they are. Here are five top qualities that Elite uses to thrive in the world of modern recruiting.
There’s no sense in recruiting if you cannot effectively communicate. Every aspect of recruiting, from start to finish of the hiring process, requires communication at a very intelligent and confident level. Communication is key!
Rock Solid Listening Skills.
The way to a perfect match is by listening. Listening to the needs of both the clients and the candidate are essential in recruiter performance. There is no value in a recruiter who knows nothing about the people they are trying to match.
Community Role.
In essence, having a strong networking presence in the community is a huge contributor to a thriving recruiter. The stronger our connections and networking efforts and the better we understand the community business culture and its values, the more tuned in we will be to finding your perfect match.
Efficient Use of Time.
It’s true for everyone that time is money. A recruiter who is able to manage their time wisely and not procrastinate will grow and prosper. At Elite, we don’t stick our toes in the water. We dive in headfirst.
Jack of All Trades.
Modern Recruiters have evolved into and mastered multiple roles in order to keep up with the Jones’s of industry standards and so do we. Researcher, Marketer, Psychologist, Matchmaker and Data Nerd are just a few of the titles that Elite has drawn skills from in order to truly take our business to the next level.
As you can see, it doesn’t take superpowers to be a modern recruiter. Simply being able to excel at these five traits have truly helped Elite connect with and help so many clients and candidates. We work hard to communicate, listen, stay active in our community and spend our time efficiently. Let us take your business/career to the next level!